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  • What is Catch the King?
    Catch the King is a 50/50 lottery to raise funds for Alaskan charities under Alaska's Charitable Gaming laws. Each week participants may enter the drawing by purchasing ticket(s). One winning ticket is drawn each week and the winner receives 20% of the weekly sales. The weekly winner also then draws a card from a board representing a standard deck of 52 playing cards plus 2 jokers for a total of 54 cards looking for the King of Diamonds. If the King of Diamonds is drawn, the weekly winner also wins the 30% accumulated progressive jackpot. If not, the rest of the cards on the board are kept for the following week’s raffle. Once the King of Diamonds is drawn the game is over.
  • What is the deadline to buy tickets?
    The deadline to buy tickets for the weekly draw is every Sunday at 7:50pm. You must be checked out prior to 7:50pm to ensure you are in the drawing for the current week. It will say you timed out if you do not get your purchase in time.
  • How are the winners chosen?
    A gaming lab-certified random number generator is used to select a winner from the purchased tickets.
  • I'm having problems with my credit card.  What do I do?
    Our processor accepts Visa Credit, Mastercard Credit, Visa Debit and Mastercard Debit. The zip code provided must match the address on file at your bank. If you have moved, please ensure your zip codes match. Prepaid credit cards may not work unless you contact the issuer regarding the necessary zip code. If you have recently had suspicious activity on your card, your bank may also deny the processing of the card. This is for your financial safety and only your bank can assist you.
  • Why won't the site let me buy tickets?
    The most common reasons are: GEOLOCATION You must physically present in the state of Alaska to purchase tickets. To verify that you are in the Alaska, geolocation technology is utilized. Turn on your location services on your device Allow popups on your browser Accept our enquiry to locate you Or you can always try another device. Depending on your specific device, changing from wifi to cellular or vice versa may also help. CREDIT CARDS Only Visa Credit, Visa Debit, Mastercard Credit or Mastercard Debit are accepted. Also please ensure your zip code matches the zip code information on record at your bank. ANTI-VIRUS SOFTWARE We use javascript on our some of our pages. Some anti-virus settings may not allow proper interaction with our site. You can turn off anti-virus software while using the site.
  • Why won't the site let me buy tickets?
    The most common reasons are: GEOLOCATION You must physically present in the state of Alaska to purchase tickets. To verify that you are in the Alaska, geolocation technology is utilized. Turn on your location services on your device Allow popups on your browser Accept our enquiry to locate you Or you can always try another device. Depending on your specific device, changing from wifi to cellular or vice versa may also help. CREDIT CARDS Only Visa Credit, Visa Debit, Mastercard Credit or Mastercard Debit are accepted. Also please ensure your zip code matches the zip code information on record at your bank. ANTI-VIRUS SOFTWARE We use javascript on our some of our pages. Some anti-virus settings may not allow proper interaction with our site. You can turn off anti-virus software while using the site.
  • I'm in Alaska but the site says I'm not.  Why?
    Through experience we have found that this is possible. Here are some scenarios: If you're on a corporate network, the location may appear to be where the corporate server is located If you are using Starlink, the location services may not be accurate. To resolve these issues, we recommend either a different device or switching your connectivity. If you're using cellular, try turning it off and using wifi. If you're using wifi, try turning it off and use cellular. Under the state of Alaska laws, we must abide by the geolocation rules.
  • I'm in Alaska but the site doesn't know where I am.
    This likely means your location services is off on your mobile device, or you have refused to allow the browser to locate you. This does not allow for geolocation. Make sure your location services is turned on Allow pop ups on your browser Try again. This may mean refreshing your browser or changing browsers.
  • What do I do if I already hit "Don't Allow" when my browser asked me my location?"
    Reloading the page should cause you to be prompted to share your location again. If you have specified that you never want to share your location, you will need to go into your settings to allow your browser to locate you. You may also need to clear your cache. If you're still having problems, try a different browser. See (link to troubleshooting)
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